には元々考えてなかった悪い結果がありま。需要を満たすために、マグロや他の魚が海から取られ、数が枯渇し、(日本人を含めて) 皆んなに価格が高くなります。 国際協定はありますが、結果は将来的には今の回転寿司は将来的には珍味なものになる可能性は充分あると思います。
Japanese sushi is popular around the world. It’s delicious aspect of Japanese culture that’s considered a healthy food that everyone can enjoy.
This popularity doesn’t come without unintended consequences. To satisfy the demand, an increasing number of tuna and other fish are being taken from the ocean depleting the stock and leading to higher prices for everyone (including Japanese consumers).
International agreements aside, there’s ample reasons to believe that today’s conveyor belt sushi may become a very expensive treat in the future.

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