prática de listening para as pessoas que aprendem inglês :)
Transcrição: good morning everyone, how are y’all? This weekend my parents are visiting me. Here in the United States it’s very normal not to live in the same city that your parents live in. For example, mine live 3 hours north of me and for my husband, his parents live in an entirely different state. I see my parents about 4-5 times a year. They’ll come visit me once a year around this time and then I’ll go visit them during the holidays and then a couple extra times a year. And for my husband, we see his parents probably 2 or 3 times a year. Sometimes they’ll come down and visit us and sometimes we’ll go and visit them. They live near the mountains and so it’s really nice and the air is really fresh up there. Tell me about your weekend! You can respond with an audio in English and I can provide some corrections :)

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