作者名称 国旗国籍

Amber アンバー



2020.08.31 21:05

My Random thoughts about culture and love:
(Sorry in advance


I was thinking today about the difference in how many westerners express feelings of love vs. Japanese culture. I’ve known international couples that had a hard time overcoming this difference.
We (I speak for Americans) tend to be quick to say “I love you” and we say it often. In some ways, that’s nice. It feels good to be told that someone loves you. But on the other hand, love is a feeling and people’s feelings sometimes change. Sometimes when you say it too much, you can lose the meaning of it.
On the other hand, being told something like “I’ll stay by your side” has a deeper meaning to me. Knowing someone won’t leave you alone when you need them the most is more important to me than feelings of love or attraction.

What do you think?
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  • ちえみ Eve 2020.08.31 21:27


    In my opinion, westerners are very good at expressing the love than Japanese. It’s a very big problem for me at the moment. I need oxytocin!!! Well, to say I love you is easy, but sometime I think what is love... very deep theme 🤯 Anyway, I want hug culture in Japan as well!!
  • Amber アンバー 2020.08.31 21:31


    @ちえみ Eve I agree, I think hugs are super important, even just from friends! 😁😁
  • luka 2020.08.31 21:32


    Saying “ I love you ” many times makes loosing its meaning. It would sounds just like hello. Words should come after the feelings. Silent is gold. But sometimes you should talk. Important things are understanding and forgiveness.
  • Amber アンバー 2020.08.31 21:34


    @luka yes! I think a couple’s ability to resolve problems and respect each other is just as important as how much they love each other. It helps the relationship last.
  • luka 2020.08.31 21:48


    @Amber アンバー Dating with different ethnic backgrounds is difficult but fun. Just dating is OK but once you live together, you will see so much differences. I really respect international couples lol.
  • Amber アンバー 2020.08.31 22:08


    @luka yeah, me too! They work hard for their relationships and that deserves respect.
  • El Mago 2020.09.08 06:28


    Ohh so there is a difference between US and JPN 😮

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