Engkish Idioms : This is a hard pill to swallow
Jessie: I've been meaning to paint the shed all summer, but I keep letting it ride.
Rebecca: Why is the delay? Unless you take action soon, it’s going to run down and collapse in a few days.
Jessie: I’m just in no mood to lift a finger. I just feel lonely and this is a hard pill to swallow.
Rebecca: Oh, poor Jessie. Your recent break-up must have ruined you.
Jessie: On top of that I’m getting more and more absent-minded. Yesterday I had a near miss. I was almost hit by a truck.
Rebecca: That’s awful.
Let it ride: take no immediate action over something.
Take action: do something to achieve an aim or deal
with a problem.
Run down: gradually deteriorate (or cause to deteriorate) in quality.
In no mood to do something: not feeling like doing or experiencing something.
A hard pill to swallow: something that is difficult to accept.
Break-up: the end of a relationship.
On top of that: In addition to; besides.
Absent-minded: (adj) distracted; forgetful or inattentive
A near miss: a narrowly avoided collision or other accident.

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