tenderloin with butter! Turkish are really in love with meat
! 🥩🥩🥩버터 바른 안심! 터키인들은 고기를 정말 좋아해요! 🥩🥩🥩
バターを塗った柔らかい腰! トルコ人は肉が大好きです。🥩🥩🥩
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Sam戴子軒 2021.07.02 06:16
손귤 2021.07.02 06:23
hangug ajae 2021.07.02 06:36
손귤 2021.07.02 06:41
Taka 타카 2021.07.02 08:15
Sam戴子軒 2021.07.03 08:57
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