I am starting a new series of posts called “Slightly
useless vocabulary in English that you’ll probably only hear once”. 🌸Estoy empezando una nueva serie de publicaciones llamada "vocabulario ligeramente inútil en inglés que probablemente solo escuche una vez".
I hope you’ll find it interesting!
🌟Espero que encontrarás interesante.
🌱lollygagging [law•ly•ga•ging] - to spend time aimlessly; idle
(~en español: pasar tiempo sin rumbo; haraganear)
🌵prestige [pre•stije] - widespread respect and admiration felt for someone or something
(~en español: el prestigio)
☘️conundrum [ka•nun•drum] - a confusing and difficult question or problem
(~en español: el acertijo, el enigma, el problema)
🌿perilous [pear•re•lous] - full of danger or risk
(~en español: peligroso, arriesgado)
🍃blasphemy [blas•fe•mee] - the act or offense disrespecting about sacred things; profane talk
(~en español: la blasfemia)
Attached is the pronunciation (:

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