Iowa was so pretty today, lots of beautiful scenery with mountains
, and vast snow everywhere felt like a winter wonderland❄the open road the beautiful fluffy clouds arraying in an immensely painting that was breathtaking. Saw the cutest little blind dog today. It was so adorable!😇 The day was so beautiful days like this I feel so content and connected with nature🌲☀️
Today's positive quote of the day is
"Your soul is attracted to people the same way flowers are attracted to the sun.🌻☀️ Surround yourself only with those who want to see you grow."
They say you become the average of the 5 people you hang out with. Study the people your with and ask yourself are these people I am around benefiting me.. or dragging me down. Are they help me shine bright like the stars, or are they taking me down in the turmoil with them? You emit such a beautiful energy within yourself that people are naturally drawn to, you want to grow and let others grow with you. Yet sometimes people don't allow you to grow and blossom as the beautiful flower you are. Instead they pull your weeds or stomp on the beauty thats growing. Be aware of who's in sight of your soul as there are those who are inspired by what you put out in the world, and there are others who hate to see you shine. May you find those who bring you comfort and joy as you do to others. Let your soul direct you to the people who want to see you do good for yourself as you lead by example. May you throughly inspect those who are in your circle and only allow those who generate and feel the same as you☺

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