作者名称 国旗国籍




2020.01.31 03:34

Thank you my beautiful babies. Over the last week and a half

I’ve been touched by all your wonderful messages in support of the hair transplant and to offer suggestions about whether to fly home to England. I may need read all of them but I truly see and appreciate them all.

Ever since I moved to China there have been lots of things I love about the country (and some things I don’t!) but the best part of life here is the people and all of you are a perfect example of that.

I’ll call my parents at 11pm tonight and then make a final decision. I will be sure to let all of my beautiful babies know the final choice tomorrow morning.

I love you all. I love China. I love life.

See ya!
61 7

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  • Ryan 2020.01.31 03:34


    I may not read all of them*
  • 可爱 2020.01.31 03:38


    Beautiful babies🤪
  • 老王 Lao Wang 2020.01.31 03:41


  • Lifeisbeautiful Ada 2020.01.31 04:33


    I hope you stay In China to see everything will be alright. And you will be alright.
  • Lydia 2020.01.31 05:34


    Stand with us
  • jessica 芮rui莹ying 2020.01.31 07:03


    You're very thoughtful. Of course, it's hard to make this sort of decision, particularly when it could affect your loved ones. As you know there are ways you can do to reduce your chance of catching virus - proper hand washing, definitely wearing a mask and avoid close contact with anyone with flu-symptoms. Heathrow is now screening arrivals from the affected region like Wuhan, but don't know what they gonna do for those from other parts of China. I think arrivals not directly from Hubei province would be given advice about what they need to know and do. Just be aware that you may be asked by your GP to self-isolate, stay indoors and avoid contacting with other people for 14 days from the date you left China, as it can take at least 5 days for symptoms to show. Let's see your final decision. Will be happy for whatever you decide to do. Have a good day! ❤
  • jessieliu1001 2020.01.31 11:36


    Leave or stay, no matter what you choose, we all wish you be safe and sound and thanks a lot for your Ryan’s word of day

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