These are some of my
favorite Japanese anime movies. 特別な味と独特さがあって何回見ても飽きないです!There's a special charm and characteristics that you won't get bored even if you watch it many times.
ジブリの場合は、ジブリの美しい世界に惹き込まれやすいです!いつかその世界に行きてみたい気がしますね!In Ghibli's case, it's easy to be dragged into Ghibli's beautiful world. It makes me want to try to visit the Ghibli world someday.
今敏さんの作品は、敏さんのシナリオがリアルすぎて怖いんです! 映ったキャラクターの悩みと感じてる気持ちを共感できますね!私はその人の立場だったらと考えさせますね!For a lot of Satoshi Kon's movies, the scenarios are so real that it's actually scary. You can really empathize with the character's troubles. It makes me think about the perspective of the people in the movie.
In Mamoru Hosoda's case, you can really see the strength and beauty of human relationships. It really conveys to treasure our relationships whether it be family or friends.
新海誠さんの場合は人と環境の戦いを表しますね!人間は結局のところコントロールできる事には限界があって、早く変わってる世界に私たちはどうやって反応するか、伝わりますね!For Makoto Shinkai's case, a lot of his work depicts Man vs Man's environment. His work conveys that after all there are only somethings that humans can control and how people react to the ever changing world.

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