の葉っぱを見つかったけど!ちゃんと書いて教えた良かった!感謝していた。触ったら、めちゃくちゃ痒くなる。💀🌿 良い所に休憩したけど、ここに来るのはちょっと危なかった!ここに降りなければならない。心ちょっと速くビビした。滑り落ちるのはちょっと思った。高く空いた所が怖い。戻れるかなと考えた。笑笑😜やってた良かった。
I went hiking by myself. It’s so beautiful, right? This is just 20 minutes from my brother’s house.
In this area, there’s a waterfall but I didn’t find it. But I found poison ivy instead! If you touch it, the part that touched it will become very itchy.
I took a break in a great place. I had to climb down. My heart was beating a little fast. I was afraid of slipping and falling. I’m afraid of high open places. The thought crossed my mind that I wouldn’t be able to get back up. Lol. “Will I fall?” I’m glad I did it though.

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