#19 Weekly Learning - Korean 📝
Hello HT friends 😄,
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my weekly learning of 🇰🇷🇯🇵🇷🇺 ❓ Question: Do you love shopping alone or with friends?
🍎 Example 1: Polite conversation - Shopping
✏️ Dialogue practice:
👩🏻 민선: 와! 이 구두 예쁘다. 그런데 이 구두 다른 색깔은 없어요?
👩🏻 민선: Wow! These shoes are pretty. But are there no other colours for these shoes?
👦🏻 점원: 네. 이 색깔밖에 없어요.
👦🏻 점원: Yes. Only this colour.
👩🏻 민선: 이거 신어 봐도 돼요?
👩🏻 민선: May I try them on?
👦🏻 점원: 네. 신어 보세요. 사이즈가 어떻게 되세요?
👦🏻 점원: Yes, please try them on. What is your size?
👩🏻 민선: 230mm요.
👩🏻 민선: 230mm.
👦🏻 점원: 아, 230mm는 없어요.
👦🏻 점원: Oh, we don’t have 230mm.
👩🏻 민선: 그럼 235mm는 있어요?
👩🏻 민선: Then do you have 235mm?
👦🏻 점원: 네. 있어요. 잠시만요.
👦🏻 점원: Yes, we do. Wait a moment.
👦🏻 점원: 여기요. 신어 보세요.
👦🏻 점원: Here. Please try them on.
👩🏻 민선: 조금 커요. 그래도 마음에 들어요.
👩🏻 민선: They are a bit big. But I still like them.
👦🏻 점원: 정말 예뻐요.
👦🏻 점원: They are so pretty.
👩🏻 민선: 이거 살게요.
👩🏻 민선: I’ll buy them. How much are they?
**please let me know if you would like me to practice with any name on my next post**
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🕊 It would also be nice if you could share some examples of the above grammar/vocabulary 👍🏼
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Thank you 🤗
Source: Conversation Textbook
*Pardon for my pronunciation. Please correct it when necessary.

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