こんげつ-まつにはまたキャンプにいきます。- I will go camping again at the end of
this month. 🏕Last week's hike - part 3, the conclusion:
I am sharing two more waterfall images. The dark clouds were clearly moving in and thunder could be heard in the distance. I knew I had a good two hours of hiking to do to get back and I could easily get caught by this storm.
I was fortunate that the skies never opened up. It started to drizzle and I got a little wet, but it was more like a cool off than anything to worry about. On the whole return trip I did not see a soul.
I even stopped a few times for the requisite photos. The deer was paying close attention to me once it noticed me. The flowers, especially the columbines, were just beautiful. The only thing that bothered me were the mosquitos. Every time I stopped they were on me despite the repellent I had applied... 😄

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