作者名称 国旗国籍




2019.07.04 21:34

Once upon a time there were two youngsters, a boy and a girl

. Their families HATED each other.

But the boy snuck into a party hosted by the girl's family because he is such a BADASS. The girl sees the boy, and angels sing to her so sweetly that she instantly falls in love with him, JUST LIKE THAT.

And so he sneaks into her garden, and they decide to get married the NEXT FREAKING DAY, because you know, that's so practical, especially when your parents want to murder each other.

Jump ahead a few days. Their families find out about the marriage and throw a SH*T FIT.

The girl is so UPSET that she drinks a potion that will put her to sleep for two days. But UNFORTUNATELY, the young couple hasn't learned the ins and outs of good marital communication yet, so the girl TOTALLY FORGETS to mention something about it to her new husband.

The young man therefore mistakes his wife's self-induced coma for a suicide. He then totally LOSES HIS MARBLES and commits suicide thinking he is going to be with her in the afterlife.

But then she wakes up, only to learn that her new husband is gone, so she has an EXACT SAME IDEA and kills herself too.


"Romeo and Juliet" is SYNONYMOUS with romance in our culture today. It is seen as THE love story, an romantic ideal to live up to.

Yet when you REALLY get down to what happens in the story, these kids were ABSOLUTELY out of their minds. And they just killed themselves to prove it.

It's suspected by many scholars that Shakespeare wrote "Romeo and Juliet" NOT to celebrate romance, but RATHER to satirize it, to show how absolutely nuts it was.

He didn't mean for the play to be a glorification of love. In fact, he meant it to me the opposite - a big flashing neon sign blinking "KEEP OUT!" with police tape around it saying "DO NOT CROSS!".

(Mark Manson,
“The Subtle Art of Not Giving A F*ck”)


Any thoughts? 😉
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  • Maryna_Rus_Eng 2019.07.04 21:34


    For most of human history, romantic love was not celebrated as it is now, IN FACT up until the mid-19th century, love was seen as UNNECESSARY and potentially dangerous psychological IMPEDIMENT to the more important things in life, like... farming well or... marrying a guy with a lot of sheep. (Mark Manson, “The Subtle Art of Not Giving A F*ck”)
  • Shortcake 2019.07.04 22:05


    well..... when you put it that way lol Love does make us crazy sometimes. 🤪❤ I never heard about the idea that Shakespeare didn't write it to glorify love. interesting....
  • orazio 2019.07.04 22:12


    Cosa è il destino nel senso del fato? I protagonisti incidono sulle vicende della vita? Dante dice del destino: Colui lo cui saver tutto trascende, [...]ordinò general ministra e duceche permutasse a tempo li ben vanidi gente in gente e d'uno in altro sangue,oltre la difension di senni umani;[...]Vostro saver non ha contrasto a lei:questa provede, giudica e perseguesuo regno come il loro li altri dei.Le sue permutazion non hanno triegue;necessità la fa esser veloce;sì spesso vien chi vicenda consegue.Quest'è colei ch'è tanto posta in crocepur da color che le dovrìen dar lode,dandole biasmo a torto e mala voce;ma ella s'è beata e ciò non ode:con l'altre prime creature lietavolve sua spera e beata si gode.»(Inferno, Canto VII, 73-96)
  • Breylin 2019.07.04 23:47


    I love this interpretation.
  • Lynda 2019.07.05 00:20



    @Shortcake It’s true. It was a satire. If you read the play, Romeo is in love with another girl 5 minutes before he sees Juliet and “falls in love” again. He doesn’t even want to go to the party because he’s so sick over Rosaline’s unrequited love.
  • Shortcake 2019.07.05 00:47


    @Lynda I've read it several times, but it was soooo long ago. I completely forgot about that part.
  • Elisabetta 2019.07.05 00:55


    @Maryna_Rus_Eng well maybe in Uk, in Italy love and women have been celebrated as instruments to rais the spirit, this is theme of the donna-angelo (angel woman) that become one of the most important topic during 1400 and 1500
  • Amro Al 2019.07.05 11:18




    @Lynda Wow, did not know this 👌
  • Elto 2019.07.05 15:00


    @Maryna_Rus_Eng nowadays there are still parents who raise their “good looking kids” to marry a rich guy. On the other hand yeah probably it’s like you said maybe it’s not about a love story but a big neon sign of WARNING ⚠️; but it’s also true that there are people who get married after one month of dating, and there are also people who dates over 5 years and in the end they never get married. I don’t think love should be measured in terms of time it can involve different things and circumstances maybe something about Fate
  • Nadine 2019.07.06 00:39


    @Maryna_Rus_Eng I adore this old movie,Olivia Hussey as a Juliet is wonderful.
  • nadsol 2019.07.06 14:20


    Что касается Ромео и Джульетты и пересказа содержания, то содержание этой всемирно известной истории другое - смотрите на Youtube новейший анализ и перевод Ивана Диденко на его канале. Впечатляет изрядно
  • 卷尾巴 2019.07.08 11:19


    @ Nadine We watched that film at school when I was 13. A whole room of boys fell in love with Olivia.
  • Nadine 2019.07.08 20:16


    @卷尾巴 😊
  • mark allen 2019.07.10 02:26


    That hot take is - not to put too fine a point on it - bullshit.
  • Maryna_Rus_Eng 2019.07.10 09:33


    @Shortcake @orazio @Breylin @Lynda @Elisabetta @Amro Al @Elto @ Nadine @nadsol @卷尾巴 @mark allen A wide variety of opinions :) Thank you for joining the discussion ❤️
  • patrickduffy 2019.07.12 14:59


    There was a famous feuding family in America, the Hatfield's and McCoy's. They killed each other regularly, but one boy fell in love with the other family's daughter and they had a secret affair. She became pregnant, and when the family found out, they were outraged and they killed the boy. The girl was so heartbroken she died a few months later, apparently by suicide. This is a true life story, so it really happens.
  • Melibea 2019.07.14 08:19


    Well said. Romantic love is a lie.
  • Maryna_Rus_Eng 2019.07.15 01:24


    @Melibea 😢
  • Maryna_Rus_Eng 2019.07.15 01:25


    @patrickduffy That’s so sad 😭
  • Виталий 2019.08.31 04:50


    The Russian translation of Shakespeare is extremely freed from indecent ambiguities and easily passes through the 12+ category. The reason for this is editorial policy at the time.
  • Claire 2019.10.28 11:06


    Romeo and Julie

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