昨日、ビデオゲームとかゲーム機(き)を開梱(かいこん)しました。PS4とエックスボックスとスイッチだけを差し込みました。でも、PS1でゲームをテストしました。 今日、私は息子の誕生日にN64をカスタマイズしました。私は彼が選んだ色を使いました。
It took 3 weeks for us to get our things but I am relieved to have everything back.
Our entertainment center was the only thing broken.
Yesterday we unpacked the video games and consoles. We only hooked the PS4, Xbox one, and switch up. We did test games in the PS1 tho.
I customized an N64 for my son’s birthday. I just painted it with colors he chose.
I really wanted to paint the plugs for the controllers but I didn’t know how to take them off.
This is my first time doing this.

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