Should, Would, Could, Might
Should: used when suggesting something
is the better alternative. I should go to sleep early tonight because I have to work in the morning.
I should eat more vegetables so I will be healthy and live longer.
Would: heels win excusing an action/inaction or talkin about a hypothetical situation.
I would go to see my grandparents every weekend but they live so far away.
If I was there right now, I would give you a big hug.
I would do more exercise if I had the time.
Could: used when saying you are capable of something but it is not certain that it will happen.
I could take my test early, so I can go on vacation.
I could eat a large breakfast, so I don't get hungry, if I decide to work through lunch.
Might: used to talk about something that is unknown.
I might cook dinner for my friends on Friday, but I don't know yet.
I might enjoy rock climbing, but I've never gone.
I am so tired, that I might just sleep all weekend.

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