#26 Weekly Learning - Japanese 📝
Hello HT friends 😄,
to my weekly learning of 🇰🇷🇯🇵🇷🇺 ❓ Question: Sometimes I do enjoy ice tea. How about you?
🍎 Topic 1: Dialogue practice
Ten’in: すみません。かばんうりばはどこですか。
Ten’in: Sumimasen, kaban uriba wa doko desu ka?
Ten’in: Excuse me, where is the bag department?
Tan: Gokai desu.
Tan: It’s at 5th floor.
Ten’in: どうも。
Ten’in: Domo.
Ten’in: Thank you.
Tan: いらっしゃいませ。
Tan: Irassaimase.
Tan: Welcome.
Ten’in: あれはどこのかばんですか。
Ten’in: Are wa doko no kaban desu ka?
Ten’in: Where is that bag from?
Ten’in: あれはあめりかのかばんです。
Ten’in: Are wa Amerika no kaban desu.
Ten’in: That bag is from America.
Tan: いくらですか。
Tan: Ikura desu ka?
Tan: How much is it?
Ten’in: 3800えんです。
Ten’in: Sanzen happyaku en desu.
Ten’in: It’s 3800 yen.
Tan: じゃ、 あれを ください。
Tan: Ja, are o kudasai.
Tan: Well, I'll have that.
Ten’in: はい。どうもありがとうございます。
Ten’in: Hai. Domo arigato gozaimasu.
Ten’in: Yes. Thank you very much
🍎 Topic 2: Sentence practice
Kaban uriba wa doko desu ka?
Where is the bag department?
Kaban uriba wa nagai desu ka?
Which level is the bag department?
Kaban uriba wa gokai desu.
The bag department is at 5th floor.
🍎 Topic 3: Vocabulary
いらっしゃいませIrassaimase - Welcome
を ください O kudasai - Please give me
わりびきありませんWaribiki arimasen - No discount
🕊 I would appreciate if you could leave your audio to read the above contents via comment or PM to me for my learning 🎙
🕊 It would also be nice if you could share some examples of the above grammar/vocabulary 👍🏼
🕊 Feel free to drop me a comment below ✒️
Thank you 🤗
Source: Course notes from Japanese language class

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