This is life in Canada. At this time of year everyday it's very
cold and often it snows. Usually we get up in the morning and look out our window to see if it is snowed overnight oh, and if it has, we get on our warm clothes and go outside.I have a snowblower and this machine helps me to throw the snow back off the sidewalk. And I have a helper, my wife!! See how strong she is as she shovels the snow away manually.
Some days in winter we go outside when it's sunny and take a walk but you have to dress up really warmly. Usually the temperature is -10 to -15 degrees Celsius in the night and maybe during the day it gets up to -5.
Canada is a great country but 4 or 5 months a year it's not so great. We're forced to stay inside and figure out ways to amuse ourselves. But I must say one thing about the cold and that is - when the sun and warmth comes back we are very very happy

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