Weekly post - Russian
Hello HT friends 😄,
Welcome to my weekly
learning of 🇰🇷🇯🇵🇷🇺 #9 Weekly Learning - Russian 📝
🍎 Topic 1: Gender of nouns
Он - Masculine:
1. End with final consonant.
2. Does not end with vowel.
3. Does not end with а/я and о/е.
4. Special exception for а/я and о/е if the word is describing a male gender. E.g. Дедушка, Папа.
Она - Feminine:
1. End with а/я.
2. Ending with «а» is more common than «я». E.g. Мама, Семья.
Оно - Neuter:
1. End with о/е.
2. Ending with «о» is more common than «е». E.g. Метро, Кафе.
✏️ Example: Refer to above
🍎 Topic 2: Question words
1. Где - Where
2. Как - How
3. Какой - Which
4. Кто - Who
5. Что - What
✏️ Example: Refer to photos
🍎 Topic 3: Приятного аппетита - Enjoy your meal
1. Вино - wine
2. Вода - water
3. Водка - vodka
4. Йогурт - yogurt
5. Картошка - potato
6. Квас - Russian “bread” drink
7. Кофе - coffee
8. Курица - chicken
9. Молоко - milk
10. Мороженое - ice-cream
11. Мясо - meat
12. Овощи - vegetables
13. Пиво - beer
14. Пицца - pizza
15. Рис - rice
16. Рыба - fish
17. Салат - salad
18. Сок - juice
19. Суп - soup
20. Сыр - cheese
21. Торт - cake
22. Фрукты - fruits
23. Хлеб - bread
24. Шампанское - champagne
🕊 I would appreciate if you could leave your audio to read the above contents via comment or PM to me for my learning 🎙
🕊 It would also be nice if you could share some examples of the above grammar/vocabulary 👍🏼
🕊 Feel free to drop me a comment below ✒️
Thank you 🤗
Source: Course notes from Russian Language Class

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