しばしば一人でりょこうします。 - I often travel by myself.
It was a relaxing
weekend. I cooked Mongolian beef for the first time. I will have to do it again, I really liked the taste, even though I had to improvise with the ingredients a little. My daughter approved 👍🤠. While I stayed home on Saturday, I ventured outside today. It was a beautiful day, if chilly. I think the temperatures reached 1°C. There was no wind, though, so it seemed quite pleasant, still. I captured some life on the creek, my usual destination for a walk. There were paragliders in the sky. I wonder how they keep warm on days like this.
Later on I drove up the nearby mountain to take in the views over the city and to the peaks on the other side. I was not the only one with that idea, quite a few other people made the trip up there as well. A nice Sunday drive!
That's all I have for today. March is here. Longer days, more snow (hopefully) but also nice sunny periods ahead! 🌞

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