I'm sooooo happy with my shoulder and traps progress. Sent these
pictures to my boxing coach. Now to lose more fat and build more lean muscle so I can fight better. 🥊

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Morena Chamorro 2020.06.12 04:25
LYN 陈佳玲 2020.06.12 04:27
hasiii 2020.06.12 04:28
Morena Chamorro 2020.06.12 04:30
Jack 不贰 2020.06.12 04:37
LYN 陈佳玲 2020.06.12 04:46
LYN 陈佳玲 2020.06.12 04:46
LYN 陈佳玲 2020.06.12 04:46
Jack 不贰 2020.06.12 04:47
LYN 陈佳玲 2020.06.12 04:51
Jack 不贰 2020.06.12 04:53
CaoJiang 2020.06.12 07:52
盘磊 2020.06.12 15:40
葉知秋 2020.06.20 07:24
聋子听见哑巴说瞎子看见了爱情 2020.06.24 16:54
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