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b r i a n d a



2020.01.10 17:33

Living in a time of chaos and fear, it’s easy to gravitate towards

words like enlightenment, karma, yoga, frequency, affirmations, power, vibration, MEDITATION and all these different terminologies.

We hear of positive affirmations and have quotes we save to get us through our days like “I am good enough,” “I am strong and capable,” “Wherever I am, whatever I do and whoever I become, I am safe and I am loved,” “I open myself up to love and light.” 💪

‼️While these are great things to be thinking and saying, it sometimes takes us away from what is important, it delays our purpose and makes us lise time and perhaps ourselves.

These practices and chantings and habits are most often distracting us from willingness and our ability to simply choose a difference. Like ~faith

No matter how much you escape through meditation and getting high from words, doing chantings and worshipping who knows what; you already have this willingness for you to choose these things; it’s just waiting for you to choose it without beating around the bush looking for willingness like a headless chicken.

This brings me to my point, the power of choice is a great one. People who decide and choose under difficult circumstances often progress in life, while those who cannot and are too busy meditating get stuck. This is also the reason some people are ultra -successful while others are not.
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  • king princess 2020.01.10 18:33


    I don't fit in either of the group of people
  • Youcef Sahraoui 2020.01.10 19:21


    Excactly👌 words of gold, create
  • Nicolás 2020.01.19 12:36


    I do not agree with the conclusion: a. Meditation is a way to decide and choose under difficult circumstances. You didn't say explicitly, but it seems like mediation is a bad thing. b. Decide and choose under pression is not THE reason of the difference between successful and unsuccessful people, it is one more in a complex system.
  • A l e x ॐ 2020.01.26 13:54




    right, so instead of beating round the bush, I should just cut to the chase then! does my somatotype determine my derrière? 😂
  • b r i a n d a 2020.01.26 14:17


    @A l e x ॐ 😂🤣 actually, your somatotype indicates your derrière 😁 it goes together and lets you know how to get to the chase 😜

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