なんてすてきなにちよう日のプレゼントなんでしょう! - What a beautiful Sunday present!
🎁I am excited to share the following with you.
It was a small hike again, I needed to get out and stretch my legs before another work week starts tomorrow. I did not see anything remarkable, but it was pleasant enough, colder than yesterday, but sunny. On my way back to the car I decided to scramble up some rocks, maybe I'd find a good view or a bird. As I was climbing up this rock wall, I moved my head and looked straight at this little fellow! 🦊
The fox was sleeping on a ledge (4th picture, then zoomed in), taking in the sun, relaxing. He looked up when he saw me, but made no moves to get away and went back to sleep! I was so thankful. That gave me a chance to fire off series of shots and reposition myself. The fox saw me approach, got up, stretched, yawned and went back to sleep! 💤
I have decided I like photography. That's what I want to do when I grow up - after I retire! I'll be the crazy guy camping out in the wild just to get a shot of a rare animal. 🤣
Have a good week... 👋🌝

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