Now i understand why Indian kpop fan girls are crazy because
it runs in blood😂🤦🤷
Sorry no offensive i respect ur fan girling
사생팬 but i too blocked lol 😈sorry i am not kpop person but i like few songs only.😉😂☺️
죄송합니다, 잘못 올리면 삭제한다고 알려주세요.
According to the legend, Princess Suriratna, also known as Heo Hwang-ok, went to Korea in 48 AD, some 2000 years ago, and started the Karak dynasty by marrying a local king.
Some Chinese-language texts claim that the then King of Ayodhya had a dream where God ordered him to send his 16-year-old daughter to South Korea to marry King Kim Suro.
The history of Korea (a myth.)🤗👍🏻✌🏻🤴👸❤️💜💞
King Suro, married to an Indian woman.
Babies were born from six golden eggs and Kim Su-ro became the king of Geumgwan Gaya.
One day, his servant said, "You don't have a marriage partner yet. So I'm going to introduce you to the prettiest woman we know as a marriage partner,"
said Kim Su-ro. "It is the command of sky that I became king here. So don't worry. sky will decide who I will marry."
The king one day ordered his servants to go to the place he had told them to wait.
Then it was seen from the southwest that a ship with a red flag was coming.
The king rejoiced at the report.
The king's servants welcomed her and her party and guided the way.
But the woman said, "I don't know much about you. How can I follow you who cannot be trusted?"
Kim Su-ro, who received this report, thought it was right and went out himself to build a temporary palace and waited.
The king treated the woman and her party with great devotion.
She finally said. "I am a princess of Ayuta, and my last name is Heo, and my name is Hwangok and I am 16 years old. In May this year, my father and mother told me.

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