Happy Valentine's Day! アメリカでは今日がバレンタインです♪︎ 朝起きたらお兄ちゃんから手作りマカ
ロンが届いてました💕 お昼は親友とかき氷!「寒い寒い」と言いながらも最後まで食べきりました😂 今夜は友達と集まってゲームナイト!ロマンの欠片もないけど、愛で溢れているバレンタインデーです😌💕Happy Valentine's Day! Today is Valentine's Day in America. I woke up in the morning to discover that my brother had sent me home-made macarons💕 For lunch, I went out for shaved ice with my friend! We kept complaining about how cold we were, but we still ate the whole thing 😂 Tonight, my friends are coming over to hang out and play games! It may not be a romantic Valentine's Day, but it's one filled with love nonetheless 😌💕

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