Today’s breakfast ! What better way to kickstart a rainy Wednesday
morning than having delicious pancakes and a hot cappuccino to face a busy work day !😋🥞😋🧡😁🥞❤️☕️💛🥞🌟

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نورا 2019.10.16 08:33
语带薄荷i 2019.10.16 08:34
April 2019.10.16 08:44
Amanda 2019.10.16 08:51
小小小小志 2019.10.16 09:11
Arwen 2019.10.16 09:14
louisa 2019.10.16 09:29
カン Kensington 2019.10.16 09:57
Alice 2019.10.17 11:57
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