Hiked into the desert until we couldn’t hear or see any civilisation
, then set up a tent. Also got a nice photo of four friends enjoying the dunes along the way #dunhuang #jiayuguan 🇨🇳🇨🇳🐫

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༨ꫛꪝᝰ෴ ۣ嘉 2021.08.08 13:15
tom 2021.08.08 13:16
༨ꫛꪝᝰ෴ ۣ嘉 2021.08.08 13:18
丹三 2021.08.08 13:20
lili 2021.08.08 13:26
Mills 2021.08.08 13:34
Mills 2021.08.08 13:34
Kailey 2021.08.08 13:38
tom 2021.08.08 13:45
Lumière 2021.08.08 14:21
Souven 2021.08.08 15:02
Kiiid.z 2021.08.08 17:36
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胡先森 2022.02.10 02:55
我是傻瓜 2022.05.16 02:12
Jane 2022.07.29 17:12
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