my grandmother bought me this book i am excited to read it! it
's about a chinese-american girl living in america in the 1890sDownload the HelloTalk app to join the conversation.
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热爱曾是唯一的信仰 2021.05.04 23:53
Richard 2021.05.04 23:56
Darrell 永康 ながやす 영강 2021.05.04 23:56
수 soo 2021.05.05 00:09
수 soo 2021.05.05 00:10
Richard 2021.05.05 00:15
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Alex 2021.05.05 00:24
车厘子颜呀 2021.05.05 00:29
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Bruce Gu 2021.05.05 00:31
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车厘子颜呀 2021.05.05 00:33
Bruce Gu 2021.05.05 00:43
.LuCia 2021.05.05 01:04
Anna 2021.05.05 02:00
chinyu 2021.05.05 04:43
수 soo 2021.05.05 12:11
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