酔ってる時にも写真を撮れるのが得意 💪😂
35を指してて、鏡の反射で僕が見える 笑 😎 Being able to take photos even when drunk is my specialty 💪😂 This is from this week 2 years ago, backstage at a late night dance event in Tokyo. The clock in the background shows it's 5:35AM and I'm in the reflection, haha 😎
アメリカには会場は普通に2時までに閉めるし、日本に来たばかりだったから、朝までいるつもりを知らなかった 😬
In America, venues close by 2:00AM and I was new to Japan, so I didn't know we would be there until the morning. 😬 So I was drinking bourbon on the rocks the whole night.
どうやって生き残ったかよく分からない 😅 笑
Even now, my Japanese isn't great, but at that time, it was really terrible! I'm not sure how I survived 😅

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