かえりみちにあめがふってきた。- Rain started falling on my way home. 🌧
, I have at least another four posts to write to complete my trip journal about my vacation a month ago. Meanwhile, more outings have happened and a whole lot of photos are sitting there on my hard drive waiting to be worked on and shared. Thus, I decided I am just going to slide this post in about my little after work hike yesterday before I return to my camping trip series. Right, so I went to walk in one of my favorite parks around here, taking the trail running along the creek. As I was walking I thought about how I was in the same spot almost a year ago, taking photos of nature in transition to its winter slumber. Then it hit me, summer is over and a year has gone by since that time! It doesn't feel like it at all...
The colors are definitely coming out and in just a short two or three weeks we will see peak fall colors around here. It is always a frantic scramble, because so many people want to come out and witness the colors changing and the show can be over very quickly if a storm moves in bringing a lot of wind. I will be sure to join the crowds and hopefully capture some of the splendor again this year. 🍂
I was excited to try some photo techniques I learned about in a video earlier this week. I always feel so inspired and I am thankful to the professional photographers who share their craft via their vlogs. It's much better than books!
I hope you like my selection. I was especially keen on water photography and I think I can take this forward. The light was dim as the skies were overcast with a front approaching. I failed to bring a tripod, so I was struggling to keep the camera still. I have to remember next time...

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