Chinese numbers can be a daunting aspect of learning the Chinese language for many beginners. However, with a bit of practice, it is possible to memorize the first ten numbers quite easily. Here’s an overview of the Chinese numbers 1-10, and what they mean.

How to Say 1-10 in Chinese and Their Meanings

1. Yī 一

Yī is the number one in Chinese. It’s considered to be a harmonious number, as it symbolizes balancing and complementary forces.

2. Èr 二

Èr is two in Chinese. It is associated with balance, symmetry, and duality.

3. Sān 三

Sān is three in Chinese. It’s considered to be a lucky and auspicious number, as it sounds like the word “sheng” which means life or birth in Chinese. In Chinese culture, it’s often associated with creativity, growth, and vitality. It’s also used in conjunction with other numbers to create fortunate combinations.

4. Sì 四

Sì is four in Chinese. It’s considered to be an unlucky number because it sounds like 死 (sǐ), which means “death.” This number is often avoided in Chinese culture, and you’ll rarely find it in elevators or hotel room numbers.

5. Wǔ 五

Wǔ is five in Chinese. It’s associated with the five elements (wood, fire, earth, metal, and water) and is sometimes considered to be a neutral or balancing number.

Chinese Numbers

6. Liù 六

Liù is six in Chinese. It’s considered to be a lucky number because it sounds like 流 (liú), which means “to flow” or “to move forward.” It’s often used in business and career-related contexts and is sometimes associated with good luck and prosperity.

7. Qī 七

Qī is seven in Chinese. It’s considered to be a lucky number because it sounds like 起 (qǐ), which means “to start” or “to rise.” It’s often used in blessings and greetings and is sometimes seen as a symbol of good fortune.

8. Bā 八

Bā is eight in Chinese. It’s considered to be a lucky number because it sounds like 发 (fā), which means “to prosper.” It’s often used in business and financial contexts and is sometimes associated with wealth and success.

9. Jiǔ 九

Jiǔ is nine in Chinese. It’s considered to be a lucky number because it sounds like 久 (jiǔ), which means “long-lasting” or “enduring.” It’s often associated with longevity and is sometimes used in blessings for a long and prosperous life.

10. Shí 十

Shí is ten in Chinese. It’s associated with completeness and perfection and is sometimes used to symbolize a full capacity or a final stage of development.

So, there you have it – 1-10 in Mandarin Chinese and their meanings. If you’re interested in learning more about Chinese language and culture, consider downloading HelloTalk, a language-exchange app that connects you with native speakers all around the world. Happy learning!

Learn Chinese with HelloTalk

HelloTalk allows you to connect with native Chinese speakers from around the globe. With tools like translation and voice messaging, you’ll be communicating with your language partner in no time. Plus, with the added benefit of cultural exchange, your Chinese language skills will be sure to improve. Download HelloTalk today and start your journey towards fluency.