If you’re interested in learning Chinese, knowing how to say “you’re welcome” is an essential part of building good relationships with native speakers. In this article, we will take a look at nine different ways to express “you’re welcome” in Chinese. Whether you’re a beginner or a more experienced learner, these phrases will come in handy!

1. 不用谢 (Bù yòng xiè)

This phrase literally means “no need to thank” and is the most common and polite way to say “you’re welcome” in Mandarin Chinese. You can use it in almost any situation.

2. 别客气 (Bié kè qì)

This phrase is similar to “don’t mention it” or “it was nothing” in English. It can be used to respond to someone’s thanks or to politely decline a compliment.

3. 不谢 (Bù xiè)

This is a shortened version of “不用谢” and is another informal way to say “you’re welcome” in Chinese.

4. 不客气 (Bù kè qì)

This phrase is the Cantonese equivalent of “不用谢” and can be used in Hong Kong or other Cantonese-speaking regions.

5. 没关系 (Méi guān xi)

This phrase can be used to express “it’s okay” or “no problem” in response to someone’s thanks.

6. 不要客气 (Bù yào kè qì)

This phrase is similar to “don’t be so polite” and can be used to encourage someone to feel more comfortable in certain situations.

7. 小事一件 (Xiǎo shì yī jiàn)

This phrase can be translated as “it’s just a small matter” or “it was nothing” and is often used to respond to someone’s thanks for doing something small, such as holding a door open.

8. 不尽感激 (Bù jìn gǎn jī)

This phrase expresses gratitude for someone’s words or actions and is another way to say “thank you” in Chinese. It can be used as a response to someone’s thanks or to express appreciation for something done for you.

9. 不敢当 (bù gǎn dāng)

This phrase is used when someone thanks you for something that you don’t think you deserve thanks for. It can be translated as “you flatter me” or “I don’t deserve it.” It is a humble way of responding to gratitude.

In summary, there are many ways to say “you’re welcome” in Chinese. Whether you use the most common phrase “bu yong xie” or one of the less common options, showing gratitude and appreciation is essential for building relationships in Chinese culture. And if you’re looking for a place to practice speaking Chinese and learn more about the language, you can try the language exchange app HelloTalk.

Meet Chinese Native Speakers on HelloTalk

Looking to improve your Chinese language skills and connect with native speakers of the language? Look no further than HelloTalk! This language exchange app allows language learners to connect with Chinese speakers all around the world, providing a unique opportunity to practice speaking and listening skills in real-time. With HelloTalk, you can easily find conversation partners based on your interests and level of fluency, making the learning process both enjoyable and effective. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced learner, HelloTalk is the perfect platform for connecting with Chinese native speakers and taking your language skills to the next level.