Many people want to learn Spanish, but the first thing they should learn is how to say thank you. In this article, you’ll learn how to say “thank you” in Spanish so you can speak Spanish more naturally.

1. Muchas gracias por tu ayuda. (Thank you very much for your help)

2. Te agradecería mucho si pudieras hacer esto por mí. (I would really appreciate it if you could do this for me)

3. Gracias por tu amabilidad. (Thank you for your kindness)

4. Estoy muy agradecido por toda tu ayuda. (I am very grateful for all your help)

5. ¡Mil gracias! (A thousand thanks!)

6. Me has salvado, te agradezco muchísimo. (You saved me, I’m so grateful)

7. Gracias por tomarte el tiempo de ayudarme. (Thank you for taking the time to help me)

8. No sé qué haría sin tu apoyo. (I don’t know what I would do without your support)

9. Gracias por ser mi amigo/a. (Thank you for being my friend)

10. Te lo agradezco de corazón. (I thank you from the bottom of my heart)

11. Muchas gracias por tu consideración. (Thank you very much for your consideration)

12. Te agradezco enormemente tu ayuda en este proyecto. (I greatly appreciate your help on this project)

13. ¡Qué amable de tu parte! (That’s very kind of you!)

14. Gracias por tu paciencia conmigo. (Thank you for your patience with me)

15. De verdad, muchas gracias. (Really, thank you so much)

16. Muchas gracias por avisarme. (Thank you for letting me know)

17. No merezco tanta amabilidad, gracias. (I don’t deserve so much kindness, thank you)

18. Esta ayuda significa mucho para mí. (This help means a lot to me)

19. Gracias por ser tan considerado/a. (Thank you for being so considerate)

20. No sé cómo agradecértelo. (I don’t know how to thank you enough)

Learn Spanish online with HelloTalk for free

These are 20 ways to say “thank you” in Spanish. Each phrase has different uses depending on the situation and the person you are talking to, so please practice so that you can use them well. With HelloTalk, you can practice Spanish pronunciation and conversation, so it is recommended for those who want to learn Spanish.

HelloTalk is an app that allows you to easily exchange languages with people around the world. It is used by Spanish people who want to learn English and English-speaking people who want to learn Spanish. With HelloTalk, you can use the chat function, voice call function, translation function, etc. to help you learn languages. This is a great way for you to improve your language level, discover new cultures and meet new people. If you are interested, please check out HelloTalk!