Learning a new language can be exciting, and there is no exception when it comes to learning Mandarin. Mandarin is spoken by almost 1.4 billion people worldwide and is one of the six official languages of the United Nations. Saying “thank you” is an important part of Mandarin language etiquette, and there are many ways to express gratitude in Chinese. In this article, we will explore the top 20 ways to say “thank you” in Chinese.

20 Ways to Say Thank You in Chinese

1. 谢谢 (Xièxiè) – Thank you

This is the most common and universal way of saying “thank you” in Chinese. Use it in formal and informal situations.

2. 多谢 (Duō xiè) – Many thanks

This phrase is a bit more formal than “xièxiè” and can be used to show deeper appreciation.

3. 非常感谢 (Fēicháng gǎnxiè) – Thank you very much

For situations where you want to express your gratitude on a deeper level.

4. 感谢 (Gǎnxiè) – Thanks

A shortened version of “非常感谢,” and more common in colloquial settings.

5. 谢谢你 (Xièxiè nǐ) – Thank you (to someone)

Adding “你” (nǐ) is like saying “thank you to you” in English. Use it when thanking someone specifically.

6. 谢谢你们 (Xièxiè nǐmen) – Thank you (to a group)

Add “们” (mén) to “谢谢” and you can thank a group of people.

7. 谢谢您 (Xièxiè nín) – Thank you (formal)

Use “您” (nín) instead of “你” to show more respect to the person you are thanking.

8. 谢过 (Xiè guò) – Thanks in advance

Use this phrase when thanking someone in advance for their help.

9. 感恩不尽 (Gǎn’ēn bù jìn) – Endless gratefulness

This phrase is used to show that you are extremely grateful and feel like you owe someone a great deal.

10. 万分感谢 (Wànfēn gǎnxiè) – Deeply grateful

Similar to “感恩不尽,” but more formal.

11. 谢谢你的帮助 (Xièxiè nǐ de bāngzhù) – Thanks for your help

This is the equivalent of “thank you for your help” in Mandarin.

12. 谢你 (Xiè nǐ) – Thanks to you

A shortened version of “谢谢你,” but still polite.

13. 感激不尽 (Gǎnjī bù jìn) – Deeply indebted

Use this phrase when someone has gone above and beyond to help you.

14. 承蒙您的帮助 (Chéngméng nín de bāngzhù) – Thank you for your gracious help

This phrase is quite formal and is used when someone has done you a big favor.

15. 谢谢你的关心 (Xièxiè nǐ de guān xīn) – Thanks for your concern

Use this phrase when someone is showing care and concern for you.

16. 谢谢你的礼物 (Xièxiè nǐ de lǐwù) – Thank you for your gift

Use this phrase when someone gives you a gift.

17. 感谢你的热情款待 (Gǎnxiè nǐ de rèqíng kuǎndài) – Thank you for your warm hospitality

Use this phrase when someone has been hospitable to you, such as inviting you into their home.

18. 多谢你的体贴 (Duō xiè nǐ de tǐtiē) – Thank you for your thoughtful consideration

Use this phrase when someone has been considerate towards you.

19. 非常感谢你的时间 (Fēicháng gǎnxiè nǐ de shíjiān) – Thank you for your time

Use this phrase when someone has spent their time helping you or doing something for you.

20. 谢谢会方言的朋友 (Xièxiè huì fāngyán de péngyǒu) – Thanks to friends who speak dialect

Use this phrase when you want to express your gratitude to a friend who can speak a dialect and help you communicate better.

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There are so many ways to say thank you in Mandarin, and each one can be used differently depending on the context and level of formality. Whether it’s a simple “xièxiè” or a more formal “谢谢您,” it’s important to show gratitude in Mandarin as a sign of respect and appreciation. By using these expressions of gratitude, you can show your Chinese friends, colleagues, or loved ones that you value their help and support.

HelloTalk is an amazing language exchange app that allows you to easily meet and chat with native Chinese speakers. With HelloTalk, finding Chinese friends to practice your language skills with has never been easier! The app offers a unique and effective way to learn Chinese through real conversations with real people who can help you perfect your skills. You can chat with your new friends in Chinese or any other language you want to practice and get instant feedback. It’s a great way to immerse yourself in the language and culture while building meaningful relationships. So, whether you’re a beginner or an advanced learner, HelloTalk is the perfect way to meet Chinese friends and take your language skills to the next level!